16. KYIV COMMIX: Boner’s Bill
Read more: 16. KYIV COMMIX: Boner’s BillDRAMATIS PERSONAE: Brent Boner (BB), Chief Editor of the Kyiv Poster Pimply-Faced Kid (PFK) in red company jacket, a cable TV and Internet bill collector Hound Dog Face (HDF), a…
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18. KYIV COMMIX: Children Fret over Death of Welsh Losser
Read more: 18. KYIV COMMIX: Children Fret over Death of Welsh LosserPERSONAE NON GRATAE: One Professional Adult Storyteller Three Children, numbered One, Two, Three Time: Any winter evening after 2004 Place: the living room of a posh top-story apartment with a…
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19. KYIV COMMIX: Welsh Losser: Fall 2003
Read more: 19. KYIV COMMIX: Welsh Losser: Fall 2003Lumpitty-lump, bumpitty-bump, Welsh Losser walks home from work The leaves are falling from chestnut trees, but Welsh Losser is somewhere else. The shadows mock his every step, but the fat…
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20. KYIV COMMIX: Boss Lard Attempts High Style to Sell the Newspaper
Read more: 20. KYIV COMMIX: Boss Lard Attempts High Style to Sell the NewspaperBut gets interrupted by Josh Davies, looking for a job, and then by a panicked Welsh Losser For lo, after a whirlpool and sauna I, Boss Lard, am sitting in…
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21. KYIV COMMIX: Newsroom Shocker – Kyiv Poster Discovers Kyiv Unedited
Read more: 21. KYIV COMMIX: Newsroom Shocker – Kyiv Poster Discovers Kyiv UneditedMission rebooted: delivering the news to the highest standards Ooooo, ooooo, Brrrent, you must see this – eet eez just unbelievable! What is it, Lemurov? I’m editorializing feverishly here, trying…
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22. KYIV COMMIX: Josh Davies Meets Grecian Formula 44, AKA Rico Soiree
Read more: 22. KYIV COMMIX: Josh Davies Meets Grecian Formula 44, AKA Rico SoireeDRAMATIS PERSONAE: JD 44 See title for long forms… The scene: The not cheaply furnished offices of the American Donkeys Abroad headquarters in Kyiv. Grecian Formula 44, or El Greco…
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23. KYIV COMMIX: Losser at Table Laying Out His Future
Read more: 23. KYIV COMMIX: Losser at Table Laying Out His FutureHere are my notes, I’m tweaking details in my resume, now that I’m a top executive for Penmanship International, a leading worldwide hospitality training services firm specializing in the illegal…
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24. THE CHECKOUT: Another So-Called Irish Bar in Kyiv
Read more: 24. THE CHECKOUT: Another So-Called Irish Bar in KyivThe Half Guinea eavesdrops on John Smith and The Hunched Cornish Andrew’s Pub is a cavernous basement-level watering hole down in Kyiv’s bohemian Podil district made up of two halls…
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25. THE CHECKOUT: The Journal of Manny Face, Installment 1
Read more: 25. THE CHECKOUT: The Journal of Manny Face, Installment 1I’m not here to expurgate or add anything, but just say what’s on my mind; know what I mean? How can I add anything if everything’s already there? Know what…
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