6. THE CHECKOUT: Shangri-La and the Lost 60 Hryvnias
Read more: 6. THE CHECKOUT: Shangri-La and the Lost 60 HryvniasI met my dinner companion near the exit of the Poshtova Ploshcha (which translates roughly as Postal Square) metro station in Podil. He arrived almost exactly on time, just a…
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7. KYIV COMMIX: Two-Bit Con Artist Continues Authorship Claims
Read more: 7. KYIV COMMIX: Two-Bit Con Artist Continues Authorship ClaimsFrom: The Lost Interviews, Part 87 It means you’re just a filthy, rotten, stinking, no-good, good-for-nothing, lowdown, lazy, lying – I’ll sue you for defamation! I’ll sue, I swear I…
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8. THE CHECKOUT: Shangri-La – From Another Angle
Read more: 8. THE CHECKOUT: Shangri-La – From Another AngleA detailed account of what really happened, as truthfully told by The Hunched Cornish, and why Shangri-La is now only a Lost Horizon The Hunched Cornish wasn’t supposed to make…
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9. KYIV COMMIX: A Telephone Conversation with Josh Davies
Read more: 9. KYIV COMMIX: A Telephone Conversation with Josh DaviesA man in Kyiv you don’t necessarily know… DRAMATIS PERSONAE: Josh Davies (JD) D (Me, Myself, I, D…, Me again, I AM, I AM NOT, Me too) Me: Hello, is…
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10. KYIV COMMIX: Welsh Losser – February 2004
Read more: 10. KYIV COMMIX: Welsh Losser – February 2004The workday has ended at Boss Lard’s PR agency, and Welsh Losser is headed for home “Whew, I’m whipped,” he thinks to himself, as he puts on the fold-up furry…
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12. KYIV COMMIX: Kyiv Unedited Writes Letter of Warning and Reprimand to John Smith, Alleged Author of Saint Stephan Courtroom Drama
Read more: 12. KYIV COMMIX: Kyiv Unedited Writes Letter of Warning and Reprimand to John Smith, Alleged Author of Saint Stephan Courtroom DramaDear Mr. Smith: We here at Kyiv Unedited have decided to publish your rather childish courtroom drama about The Ferret being on trial in a corrupt judicial system somewhere in…
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14. THE CHECKOUT: A Clean, Well-Lighted Place, Plus One Cockroach
Read more: 14. THE CHECKOUT: A Clean, Well-Lighted Place, Plus One CockroachDancing Girl challenges Hunched Cornish’s belief system at Podil’s Monsieur Olivier Yeah, and so The Hunched Cornish once again made his epic journey from the Poshtova Ploshcha metro station in…
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