46. KYIV COMMIX: Welsh Losser Admires Himself on YouTube
Read more: 46. KYIV COMMIX: Welsh Losser Admires Himself on YouTubeBut, predictably, is freaked out by transmogrified images WL: Nyug – I think I’ll just sit here in the comfort of my own work-study-writing den and watch myself on YouTube…
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47. KYIV COMMIX: A Meeting of the Kyiv Writers’ Support Group
Read more: 47. KYIV COMMIX: A Meeting of the Kyiv Writers’ Support GroupJeb Dickeys is trying to say how he’s been a writer and publisher for a long time but everyone just calls him a fucking old man and tells him to…
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48. KYIV COMMIX: To Cage or Not to Cage… The Ferret…
Read more: 48. KYIV COMMIX: To Cage or Not to Cage… The Ferret…The Ferret, wearing a peaked Tyrolean hat replete with feather sticking out of the band, tight green britches, flannel suspenders, a little vest and dark sunglasses, is sitting late night…
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49. THE CHECKOUT: Fellini’s “La Dolce Vita” in the Eyes of Manny Face
Read more: 49. THE CHECKOUT: Fellini’s “La Dolce Vita” in the Eyes of Manny FaceThe Journal of Manny Face, Installment 2 So this is how I saw Fellini’s “La Dolce Vita” last week at the Kyiv Cinema, off of Lva Tolstogo Square. I’m an…
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51. THE CHECKOUT: The Journal of M. Face, Installment 2½. Fellini’s “La Dolce Vita”
Read more: 51. THE CHECKOUT: The Journal of M. Face, Installment 2½. Fellini’s “La Dolce Vita”Movie review, continued from Installment 2 In the 1960 “La Dolce Vita,” Rome, a generation after the most horrific war in human history, is a timeless hedonistic Arcadia and we…
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52. KYIV COMMIX: Rico Soiree Meets Zippy Zamazda at Valentine’s Day Fete, Part 1
Read more: 52. KYIV COMMIX: Rico Soiree Meets Zippy Zamazda at Valentine’s Day Fete, Part 1Or, how a photo turns dream into nightmare (but that’s in Part 2) A photographer flits from table to table at a high-profile Valentine’s Day dinner event in Kyiv. Look…
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53. KYIV COMMIX: Table for Two, or Three-and-a-Half
Read more: 53. KYIV COMMIX: Table for Two, or Three-and-a-HalfThe place and time: Rico Soiree’s penthouse above the Silver School of English in Kyiv, just after midnight Soiree, dressed in a black smoking jacket with a padded pink lapel,…
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54. KYIV COMMIX: Valentine’s Day Massacre, Continued – Part 2
Read more: 54. KYIV COMMIX: Valentine’s Day Massacre, Continued – Part 2Zippy Zamazda gets that job with Rico Soiree’s School of English. Plans takeover After being offered a job by Soiree, teaching English to upwardly rising and globally minded Ukrainians at…
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55. KYIV COMMIX: Where the Cheese-Stained Wrappers Lead
Read more: 55. KYIV COMMIX: Where the Cheese-Stained Wrappers LeadAlong a wooded trail not far from a McDonald’s on the outskirts of Kyiv, an expatriate writer and a wife half his size find themselves hopelessly lost. Wife: Jim, are…
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