TRASH KC 4. Media Man Caught Out
Read more: TRASH KC 4. Media Man Caught OutAuthoritative Voice (AV): Turn on the light. Small room, small table, with one chair and a lightbulb hanging from a thin wire Boner: Huh! Subordinate Voice (SV): Shall I take…
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TRASH KC 5. FIRED! Chipmunk Cheeks Boner to Finally Shut the Fuck Up
Read more: TRASH KC 5. FIRED! Chipmunk Cheeks Boner to Finally Shut the Fuck UpBooted from Poster as financial failure of the pop idealist variety, the resilient speech-freedom champion insists on having the last word Of course, this is something Kyiv Unedited will not…
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TRASH KC 6. May 9 Celebrants Ecstatic Over Freedom from Fascist Boner
Read more: TRASH KC 6. May 9 Celebrants Ecstatic Over Freedom from Fascist BonerKyiv Poster readers and their sympathizers swell dwindling ranks of Victory Day heroes and revelers It’s a fantastic May 9 Victory Day here on Kyiv’s Independence Square. The weather is…
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TRASH KC 7. Amateur PR Critic Rips Full-page Ad in the Kyiv Poster…
Read more: TRASH KC 7. Amateur PR Critic Rips Full-page Ad in the Kyiv Poster…… featuring Boss Lard and Welsh Losser Is this shameless self-promotion through abuse of office? Did the public believe Boss Lard’s PR firm paid market price for the Kyiv Poster…
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TRASH KC 8. Boss Lard Reads Letter to Kyiv Unedited from Amateur PR Critic
Read more: TRASH KC 8. Boss Lard Reads Letter to Kyiv Unedited from Amateur PR CriticCalls in Welsh Losser for advice Boss Lard reading letter to Kyiv Unedited from Amateur PR Critic, currently residing for some reason in Kyiv, Ukraine: [Quote from self-promoting Boss Lard…
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TRASH KC 9. Amateur PR Appraiser Lauds Full-page Ad in Kyiv Poster…
Read more: TRASH KC 9. Amateur PR Appraiser Lauds Full-page Ad in Kyiv Poster…… featuring Boss Lard and Welsh Losser Is this a horse of a different color, or just another KU ploy to put the collar on the Kyiv Poster dog? Dear…
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TRASH KC 10. Untitled
Read more: TRASH KC 10. UntitledFeaturing (former) Boss Lard, the Kyiv Post-It, and arch-rival KU Oh, no – what are we going to do at Kyiv Unedited?! Please don’t pick on us or hurt us.…
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Read more: VOLUME 3: BONUS: KC TOXIC WASTE(removed from the belly of a giant irradiated two-headed goat, holding a scepter and wearing a crown) Four more foul frames for your fiendish feasting – below… STORY DIRECTORY (non-linked)…
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TW1KC: Special Offer from the Kyiv Poster
Read more: TW1KC: Special Offer from the Kyiv PosterBe My Boner: Kyiv Poster Celebrates Int’l Women’s Day Special Offer: Ukraine’s leading English-language newspaper, in an attempt to stimulate flagging revenues, is offering a one-time discount on subscriptions to female…
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TW2KC: Say, Aren’t Those Cartoons in the Kyiv Poster Funny?
Read more: TW2KC: Say, Aren’t Those Cartoons in the Kyiv Poster Funny?HA HA HA HA HAAAAA…!!! Oh, and by the way, aren’t those cartoons funny?! HA HA HA HA HAAAAA…!!! Oh, they’re just so funny, those cartoons – aren’t they?! HA HA HA HAAAAA…!!! Yeah, those cartoons, they’re really, really funny, oh,…
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