HERE BEGINS – VOLUME 3: KYIV COMMIX & THE CHECKOUT: March 15, 2015 – January 6, 2017
Read more: HERE BEGINS – VOLUME 3: KYIV COMMIX & THE CHECKOUT: March 15, 2015 – January 6, 2017STORY DIRECTORY (non-linked) for VOLUME 3 – at a glance! 245 The Clown Chronicles, No. 1 246 The Clown Chronicles, No. 2 247 The Clown Chronicles, No. 3 248 The…
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245. KYIV COMMIX: The Clown Chronicles, No. 1
Read more: 245. KYIV COMMIX: The Clown Chronicles, No. 1Chic Dickie, Diary Entry 6,000 I’m incredibly cunning and I’m incredibly clever – that’s how I’d describe myself, see. I don’t know how I know, but I keenly sense what…
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246. KYIV COMMIX: The Clown Chronicles, No. 2
Read more: 246. KYIV COMMIX: The Clown Chronicles, No. 2Needing magazine materials, Chic Dickie hosts Boss Lard As we enter upon the scene in-medias-res-like, it is Boss Lard doing the talking: You were bragging about how great your magazine…
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247. KYIV COMMIX: The Clown Chronicles, No. 3
Read more: 247. KYIV COMMIX: The Clown Chronicles, No. 3Chic Dickie, Diary Entry 6,001: A True Record and Account of What Transpired This Day: Still desperately needing magazine materials, Kyiv-based publishing Englishman Chic Dickie hosts Bodkin MacFlatus (otherwise and…
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248. KYIV COMMIX: The Caveman Diaries
Read more: 248. KYIV COMMIX: The Caveman Diaries“Good luck, Smith.” “Thanks, but I don’t need any luck.” “Well, so long then.” “So long!” John Smith, Kyiv-based detective, sets out on his journey into the hills of Podil.…
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249. THE CHECKOUT: The Hunched Cornish in Silence
Read more: 249. THE CHECKOUT: The Hunched Cornish in SilenceThe Sauna A naked John Smith lies on the lowest of the three levels. He can take, but this time does not want to take, the most intense heat of…
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250. THE CHECKOUT: The Hunched Cornish in Continued Silence
Read more: 250. THE CHECKOUT: The Hunched Cornish in Continued SilenceThe Apartment The Hunched Cornish sits back in a massive armchair and gazes upon the snowdrops* he’d placed in a water-filled vase now set in the middle of his living…
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251. KYIV COMMIX: The Ozarks: Hill Whacker
Read more: 251. KYIV COMMIX: The Ozarks: Hill WhackerSomewhere in the Ozarks stands a cabin, behind the cabin a shed, and near the shed an aging young man stripped to the waist chopping wood. His suspenders dangle from…
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252. KYIV COMMIX: The Clown Chronicles, No. 4
Read more: 252. KYIV COMMIX: The Clown Chronicles, No. 4The Black Ferret comes a-callin’ Up on the highest floor of the towering Stalin-era excrescence looming in all its bleak and monolithic ugliness above the exact nucleus of downtown Kyiv’s…
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253. KYIV COMMIX: The Ozarks: The Road
Read more: 253. KYIV COMMIX: The Ozarks: The RoadWe catch up with Josh Davies trekking down a dust-baked trail in the company of a man called Arnie. Josh has a pair of clodhoppers slung over his shoulders by…
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