206. THE CHECKOUT: “Gold Diggers of 1933”
Read more: 206. THE CHECKOUT: “Gold Diggers of 1933”Again, I make no journal entry – I don’t know why, nor what I’m looking for – M.F. “Gold Diggers of 1933” is billed as a musical, with song and…
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207. THE CHECKOUT: Prelude to a Slaughter – Part 1
Read more: 207. THE CHECKOUT: Prelude to a Slaughter – Part 1Smith regales Cornish with book-burning fable I was in this three-story cafeteria Smith invited me to at the end of Sahaydachnoho and Kontraktova Ploshcha in the Podil district of Kyiv,…
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208. THE CHECKOUT: Prelude to a Slaughter – Part 2
Read more: 208. THE CHECKOUT: Prelude to a Slaughter – Part 2Pull quote: in re Manny Face: “Whatever that green-tinted elf-eared B-actor greaseball is doing, Smith, I don’t like it” “Say, Smith, I’ve got a pre-generate for you.” “Go ahead, shoot.”…
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209. THE CHECKOUT: A Manny Face-Like Being Shadows Cornish Window
Read more: 209. THE CHECKOUT: A Manny Face-Like Being Shadows Cornish WindowThird person, free indirect speech, omniscient narrator, by unknown The figure looks like Manny Face, but we can’t be sure, since we see him from the back with only an…
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210. KYIV COMMIX: Josh Davies Hosts Welsh Losser and The Ferret
Read more: 210. KYIV COMMIX: Josh Davies Hosts Welsh Losser and The FerretServed up: a shocking baked surprise “Well, Welsh, I saw that latest YouTube video of yours. Some iced tea? Lemonade, perhaps?” This is Josh Davies, hosting a mid-afternoon luncheon for…
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211. KYIV COMMIX: Nocturne 8
Read more: 211. KYIV COMMIX: Nocturne 8Young agent steps in for break; talks to me regarding evil incarnate He’s talking to me. A young agent; didn’t give his name. Or maybe he did, but I didn’t…
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212. KYIV COMMIX: Nocturne 9
Read more: 212. KYIV COMMIX: Nocturne 9“Have a drink, Jack.” “Who are you talking to?” It seemed like it was dawning when I heard the voice and struggled to lift my head from the table. It…
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213. KYIV COMMIX: Nocturne 10
Read more: 213. KYIV COMMIX: Nocturne 10Stopping in a gas station at night I have the top up on my 1976 Triumph Spitfire, plying a long, lonely road east through the night, back into Davies territory.…
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214. KYIV COMMIX: At the Movies with Josh Davies, The Ferret, and Welsh Losser
Read more: 214. KYIV COMMIX: At the Movies with Josh Davies, The Ferret, and Welsh LosserIn which The Ferret proves himself a real cutup We are in the iconic movie theater Kyiv just off Lev Tolstoy Square in downtown central of this ancient capital of…
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