155. KYIV COMMIX: Revolution
Read more: 155. KYIV COMMIX: RevolutionThrongs of the disheveled and defiant control Maidan. Critical mass is reached around a rock-concert-sized stage from which a succession of agitators in street clothes tries to rev up revolutionary…
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156. THE CHECKOUT: The Journal of Manny Face, Installment 8
Read more: 156. THE CHECKOUT: The Journal of Manny Face, Installment 8And His Journey Home This is a long time getting back to you. I know. I want to be there, but I cannot. I am drawn back home; the pull…
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157. KYIV COMMIX: Pet Cemetery
Read more: 157. KYIV COMMIX: Pet Cemetery“Dearly departed, we are gathered over you this day not to say goodbye, because you’re already dead, but to mark your conspicuous absence among the living. We contemplate your term…
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158. KYIV COMMIX: Posthumous
Read more: 158. KYIV COMMIX: Posthumous“Heck, I only unveiled it this morning at a press conference.” “Yes, I know.” “And just what was it about my book, exactly, that captured your attention?” “I’m a publisher.”…
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159. THE CHECKOUT: The Journal of Manny Face, Installment 8½
Read more: 159. THE CHECKOUT: The Journal of Manny Face, Installment 8½The Journey Home: “Skyfall” Except for the barest of outlines, Manny Face will comment sparingly on the action and plot of “Skyfall”, the latest film in the James Bond franchise…
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160. KYIV COMMIX: Meanwhile, Back in the Newsroom…
Read more: 160. KYIV COMMIX: Meanwhile, Back in the Newsroom…Part 1 … Ra’s al Ghul, Ra’s al Ghul… immortal; heh, thanks to the Lazarus Pits; so how can he look for a successor for his League of Assassins, even…
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161. KYIV COMMIX: Meanwhile, Back in the Newsroom, Part 2
Read more: 161. KYIV COMMIX: Meanwhile, Back in the Newsroom, Part 2At Kyiv Poster, CEO J. Perfidsky shows CE B. Boner who’s boss … How the hell can I concentrate on editing if I’m waiting for that damn phone call from…
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162. KYIV COMMIX: A Slice of Life – A Truly Wonderful One
Read more: 162. KYIV COMMIX: A Slice of Life – A Truly Wonderful OneWarning: This is an obscenity-glutted sexist, racist reconsideration of Kate Mustard and Rico Soiree. O, all ye politically correct, read at your own discretion and peril, and then don’t come…
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163. KYIV COMMIX: The Three Never-ending Nightmares of Z. Zamazda
Read more: 163. KYIV COMMIX: The Three Never-ending Nightmares of Z. ZamazdaNightmare No. 1 He is back home, in the States. He is visiting his parents. He sits, sunken into the leather couch in the darkening living room watching the evening…
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164. KYIV COMMIX: The Never-ending Nightmares of Zippy Z.
Read more: 164. KYIV COMMIX: The Never-ending Nightmares of Zippy Z.Nightmares Nos. 2 & 3 No. 2 The house is now dark. He looks around and sees the outlines of the frames of all the family pictures – on the…
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