106. KYIV COMMIX: Redemption
Read more: 106. KYIV COMMIX: Redemption“Are you finished sweeping up there, Stephan?” “Yeah… just trying to get at a few stubborn cobwebs.” “Well, you’re pretty stubborn yourself, son,” says the older but still well-built man.…
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107. KYIV COMMIX: The Nobel Prize
Read more: 107. KYIV COMMIX: The Nobel PrizeA Viking mead hall – capacious; huge. A massive smorgasbord way off to one side – but the hall is so huge, it bends with the curvature of the Earth,…
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108. KYIV COMMIX: Zippy Zamazda Introduces Self as Fedora-Wearing Chief Editor to Kyiv Edited Readers
Read more: 108. KYIV COMMIX: Zippy Zamazda Introduces Self as Fedora-Wearing Chief Editor to Kyiv Edited ReadersPublisher Ferret stops it; vetoes most other major ZZ decisions, pissing the pretentious fat ass off Dear Kyiv Edited Readers: My name is Zippy Zamazda. I’m the chief editor of…
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110. THE CHECKOUT: Milk Bone
Read more: 110. THE CHECKOUT: Milk BoneTalking dog-man joins Checkout Team as racist media watchdog “Hey, get out from under that table!” “No.” “Don’t make me come under there after you.” “Leave me alone. I’m lying…
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111. KYIV COMMIX: Kickshitz and Davies Stage Alternative Play Rehearsal Disaster
Read more: 111. KYIV COMMIX: Kickshitz and Davies Stage Alternative Play Rehearsal DisasterThe Ferret wants the script Dark-blue vapors beset and encumber a small stage in an old performing arts building in Kyiv’s Podil. A clattering contraption backstage is used to evince…
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112. KYIV COMMIX: Kyiv’s Captains of Industry Club vs. Boner
Read more: 112. KYIV COMMIX: Kyiv’s Captains of Industry Club vs. Boner“What exactly is it that you request of us?” “I need a job.” “A job, a place to work, or a salary to sustain your material existence on this planet,…
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113. KYIV COMMIX: Kowalski Bugs Sweaty Tank Top at Poetry Night
Read more: 113. KYIV COMMIX: Kowalski Bugs Sweaty Tank Top at Poetry NightTakes away Sweaty’s accolades, beats him incontrovertibly, wins own fan base, disappears Sweaty Tank Top, publisher of What’s Off magazine, Kyiv’s weekly English-language entertainment rag, having convinced himself somewhere in…
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114. KYIV COMMIX: Midway Crisis
Read more: 114. KYIV COMMIX: Midway Crisis“So where do we stand, Dirk?” “I’d say it’s more like we’re sitting, Step.” “Yeah, and on what – a case that’s undefined and probably unsolvable to boot. I just…
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115. KYIV COMMIX: The Siege
Read more: 115. KYIV COMMIX: The Siege“Good morning, everyone. Kate Mustard here, reporting from 31A Pushkinska Street, the brain center of the city’s window to the world, The Kyiv Poster, now under siege by topless shock…
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