76. THE CHECKOUT: “Mobius:” Installment 4 of the Journal of Manny Face
Read more: 76. THE CHECKOUT: “Mobius:” Installment 4 of the Journal of Manny FaceAnother French film week in Kyiv, a long time ago Yeah, it was a while ago; know what I mean? Something like Saturday, April 20, 2013, and the only thing…
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77. THE CHECKOUT: Installment 4½ of the Journal of Manny Face
Read more: 77. THE CHECKOUT: Installment 4½ of the Journal of Manny FaceWhat was “Mobius” about? Even raft of film reviews couldn’t say I mean, I saw the film, and I read the reviews – the first five or six that popped…
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78. KYIV COMMIX: The Making of a Ferret
Read more: 78. KYIV COMMIX: The Making of a FerretIt’s New Jersey, 1984, and a fat-calved kid wearing dark short pants and a striped propeller cap, is playing in the park. His father, who’s just convinced him that he…
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79. THE CHECKOUT: Two Stupid Devils Eat Healthy at Nikolai
Read more: 79. THE CHECKOUT: Two Stupid Devils Eat Healthy at NikolaiEnter, two naked demons, pointed tails and horns, black fur So you come in and it’s pretty nice, this place, Boris, the one with the wild boar’s head, starts saying…
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80. KYIV COMMIX: The Ferret Connection: Part One
Read more: 80. KYIV COMMIX: The Ferret Connection: Part OneKnock, knock… Who is it? Smith. Let him in. A lean taut man with dark-blond hair in his early thirties enters. He’s wearing a fedora and a light gray suit.…
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81. THE CHECKOUT: “Milongueros:” A Tango Documentary
Read more: 81. THE CHECKOUT: “Milongueros:” A Tango DocumentaryThe Journal of Manny Face, Installment 5 As seen at Tango Camp in Crimea during the May holidays, 2013 There are moments in Time when Time is suspended. We die…
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82. THE CHECKOUT: The Journal of Manny Face, Installment 5½ – “Milongueros”
Read more: 82. THE CHECKOUT: The Journal of Manny Face, Installment 5½ – “Milongueros”And so it ends; or begins… “Milongueros” might have been a feature film – and as it opened, panning the dreary dusk hanging over a bleak Buenos Aires waterfront, Manny…
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83. THE CHECKOUT: When Manny Face Was Relaxing, Trying to Write This Story
Read more: 83. THE CHECKOUT: When Manny Face Was Relaxing, Trying to Write This StoryDemons come to kill Welsh Losser contract, learn tango Not an official Journal of Manny Face Installment I was reading the Kyiv Post-It’s fiercely editorially independent, honest, high-quality, objective, thoroughly…
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84. KYIV COMMIX: Jack Step Ruminates over Doubts as to Purpose
Read more: 84. KYIV COMMIX: Jack Step Ruminates over Doubts as to PurposeIs there any meaning in Kyiv Unedited? From competent and independent to incompetent and dependent. Evil overpowers free will. Talent replaced by sycophancy. And Jack Step sits here, wondering, who’s…
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85. KYIV COMMIX: Doctor Wu
Read more: 85. KYIV COMMIX: Doctor WuPlease kum in. Haf a seat. How kan I help you? I’ve been having Ferret fantasies. I see. No, you don’t, but listen closely: He’s sitting behind his desk, all…
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