An American Saga Set in Kyiv
Warning: This is an obscenity-glutted sexist, racist reconsideration of Kate Mustard and Rico Soiree. O, all ye politically correct, read at your own discretion and peril, and then don’t come…
Nightmare No. 1 He is back home, in the States. He is visiting his parents. He sits, sunken into the leather couch in the darkening living room watching the evening…
Nightmares Nos. 2 & 3 No. 2 The house is now dark. He looks around and sees the outlines of the frames of all the family pictures – on the…
Dickerson strikes the match and keeps it close, watching the flame take hold, fitfully at first, then cool and blue, it burns into the cigarette paper, setting the tightly packed…
‘I was woken that night to the clash of police body armor and the thumping of riot shields. The shrieks of defiant but heavily outnumbered students radiated from an epicenter…
Installment 9 of the Journal of Manny Face I write this as I watch the night cover Kyiv in snow. Know what I mean? I’m home now, here, now, again;…
Welsh Losser’s Venus Baby Adopted This is me, John Smith, and I’m writing this review for The Hunched Cornish – the giant freak with terrifying looks who sometimes lunches and…
But what of Bret Boner? “So, there you are, another day older. It doesn’t matter what you do to make yourself younger. You’re still going to die.” Josh Davies is…
PERSONAE NON GRATAE: Welsh Losser, a failed opportunist in the PR and self-promotion sector, recently humpbacked, with delusions of being a writer (WL) Heinrich, Devil 1, looks like a hyena…