An American Saga Set in Kyiv
London fog, London fog, no one’s whom they seem in a London fog “Hello, Mr. Soiree.” “Why hello there, Franz! A Sehr Gut evening, isn’t it?” Soiree keeps moving, applying…
In a Kansas Diner – April, 1953 The music ends and a dawning transformation that is almost frightening begins to take hold of the young, short man’s face. In painful…
TAKE TWO “I’m so hungry I could eat a goat.” “We don’t serve goats, stranger…” “That’s what I hear, but I’m here all the same. Now I know you don’t…
Throngs of the disheveled and defiant control Maidan. Critical mass is reached around a rock-concert-sized stage from which a succession of agitators in street clothes tries to rev up revolutionary…
And His Journey Home This is a long time getting back to you. I know. I want to be there, but I cannot. I am drawn back home; the pull…
“Dearly departed, we are gathered over you this day not to say goodbye, because you’re already dead, but to mark your conspicuous absence among the living. We contemplate your term…
“Heck, I only unveiled it this morning at a press conference.” “Yes, I know.” “And just what was it about my book, exactly, that captured your attention?” “I’m a publisher.”…
The Journey Home: “Skyfall” Except for the barest of outlines, Manny Face will comment sparingly on the action and plot of “Skyfall”, the latest film in the James Bond franchise…
Part 1 … Ra’s al Ghul, Ra’s al Ghul… immortal; heh, thanks to the Lazarus Pits; so how can he look for a successor for his League of Assassins, even…
At Kyiv Poster, CEO J. Perfidsky shows CE B. Boner who’s boss … How the hell can I concentrate on editing if I’m waiting for that damn phone call from…