An American Saga Set in Kyiv
Well, yes, in this one he does do the driving, but you won’t know what REALLY happens until Episode 3 But here, the action picks up; hints are subtly dropped…
Hey, I wonder what happens next…???!!! Try catching the nightmare ride – if your dare… Read, as dark family histories are opened and psychological closet skeletons are revealed. Also, the…
That’s right – Welsh Losser is still driving Anti Olifko. Where and when and how will this all end? Well, that’s precisely the point, for here we indeed come to…
Curious threesome of Pulaski Skyway hangers abscond with recovered refuse from drowned ’71 Cadillac Eldorado The acid rain becomes gently refreshing to anyone’s uplifted face, should they be out at…
Followed by a Parade of Useful Subheads Revealing The Damned Fool, Toma Bed Lamb, and Tamo Shatterd, and the Things They Carried… from the Pulaski Skyway… Wherein Bizarre is Embroidered…
Wherein the painful secret of Wallace Wayne’s painful existence is painfully revealed, and… … wherein The Bastard Wallace Wayne, The Batman Bruce Wayne’s illegitimate older half-brother, finds his origins in…
Being a continuation, without interruption, of Part 3, and the story of The Bastard Wallace Wayne, The Batman Bruce Wayne’s illegitimate older half-brother Read, o idle reader, just happing by,…
Proceeding from the nine-sonnet dream cycle of Part 4, The True Story of The Batman Bruce Wayne’s illegitimate and tragically reptilian older half-brother, The Bastard Wallace Wayne, The Pale Dragon,…
Of PR Man and The Writer, once Welsh Losser and Anti Olifko, respectively, who come to life and escape into Antipolex Here, we are also treated to a quaint underground…
Halloween descends on the newsroom: Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater, had a paper but couldn’t feed her. He put her in a living hell and there he liked her very well……