An American Saga Set in Kyiv
“Are you Welsh Losser?” “No… no, NOOOO!” The room grows silent, then dark, as if nobody’s there. When illumination resumes, the strangely familiar scene of The Checkout kitchen takes hold…
“Good morning, everyone!” “And welcome to The Welsh Losser Emporium for middle-aged clothes-conscious men.” “Hi, I’m Hal Halfbit” “And I’m Judy McFarland… from America’s Newsroom.” But where’s Welsh Losser, PR…
“Hey Steve, spiff up that promo piece for the Silver School of English,” shouts the editor. It’s freezing in the newsroom, so Kowalski’s got a knit cap pulled down over…
John Smith enters the broken-up and frozen-over flat of his colleague Detective Dirk Dickerson through the window. Smith uses a penknife to pry open the window frame, then props it…
The one-room flat in Podil is iced over from the floor up. The window is shattered from something heavy thrown through it. A snowdrift has begun to accumulate. White powder…
There’s a feeble green light visible through the crack under the door. Otherwise, it looks completely dark in there. There’s no sound from the other side either, except a faint clicking…
The dedicated reader of Kyiv Unedited may recall that we last observed expatriate American poet Steve Kowalski leaving the editorial offices of The Cantankerous Curmudgeon [Ed.: In “Kowalski’s Beat”], an…
“To the Emporium!” “The Emporium!” The guests in dark suits and glittering evening gowns clink crystal, exchange half smiles. They settle back into high-backed upholstered chairs around a cherrywood dinner…
The door bangs shut to produce an echo that flits from room to room in the modestly furnished flat of Zippy Zamazda. His wife, her eyes a pool of tears,…