An American Saga Set in Kyiv
STORY DIRECTORY (non-linked) for VOLUME 3 – at a glance! 245 The Clown Chronicles, No. 1 246 The Clown Chronicles, No. 2 247 The Clown Chronicles, No. 3 248 The…
Chic Dickie, Diary Entry 6,000 I’m incredibly cunning and I’m incredibly clever – that’s how I’d describe myself, see. I don’t know how I know, but I keenly sense what…
Needing magazine materials, Chic Dickie hosts Boss Lard As we enter upon the scene in-medias-res-like, it is Boss Lard doing the talking: You were bragging about how great your magazine…
Chic Dickie, Diary Entry 6,001: A True Record and Account of What Transpired This Day: Still desperately needing magazine materials, Kyiv-based publishing Englishman Chic Dickie hosts Bodkin MacFlatus (otherwise and…
“Good luck, Smith.” “Thanks, but I don’t need any luck.” “Well, so long then.” “So long!” John Smith, Kyiv-based detective, sets out on his journey into the hills of Podil.…
The Sauna A naked John Smith lies on the lowest of the three levels. He can take, but this time does not want to take, the most intense heat of…
The Apartment The Hunched Cornish sits back in a massive armchair and gazes upon the snowdrops* he’d placed in a water-filled vase now set in the middle of his living…
Somewhere in the Ozarks stands a cabin, behind the cabin a shed, and near the shed an aging young man stripped to the waist chopping wood. His suspenders dangle from…
The Black Ferret comes a-callin’ Up on the highest floor of the towering Stalin-era excrescence looming in all its bleak and monolithic ugliness above the exact nucleus of downtown Kyiv’s…
We catch up with Josh Davies trekking down a dust-baked trail in the company of a man called Arnie. Josh has a pair of clodhoppers slung over his shoulders by…