An American Saga Set in Kyiv
PERSONAE NON GRATAE: One Professional Adult Storyteller Three Children, numbered One, Two, Three Time: Any winter evening after 2004 Place: the living room of a posh top-story apartment with a…
Lumpitty-lump, bumpitty-bump, Welsh Losser walks home from work The leaves are falling from chestnut trees, but Welsh Losser is somewhere else. The shadows mock his every step, but the fat…
But gets interrupted by Josh Davies, looking for a job, and then by a panicked Welsh Losser For lo, after a whirlpool and sauna I, Boss Lard, am sitting in…
Mission rebooted: delivering the news to the highest standards Ooooo, ooooo, Brrrent, you must see this – eet eez just unbelievable! What is it, Lemurov? I’m editorializing feverishly here, trying…
DRAMATIS PERSONAE: JD 44 See title for long forms… The scene: The not cheaply furnished offices of the American Donkeys Abroad headquarters in Kyiv. Grecian Formula 44, or El Greco…
Here are my notes, I’m tweaking details in my resume, now that I’m a top executive for Penmanship International, a leading worldwide hospitality training services firm specializing in the illegal…
The Half Guinea eavesdrops on John Smith and The Hunched Cornish Andrew’s Pub is a cavernous basement-level watering hole down in Kyiv’s bohemian Podil district made up of two halls…
I’m not here to expurgate or add anything, but just say what’s on my mind; know what I mean? How can I add anything if everything’s already there? Know what…
CAST: Boss Lard (BL) Wild Bill Publowsky (WBP) Receptionist/Secretary (R) R: (speaking over the intercom) He’s here. BL: Ok, let him in… that is, don’t see him in, just point…
As told by The Hunched Cornish, Part 1 The freaks at Kyiv Unedited refuse to delete The Half Guinea’s account of what The Hunched Cornish said and did with John…