Local, third-rate rag finds cheek to call major Kyiv-installed cretin “author”

The World Window Through Ukraine, this country’s only English-language newspaper, has had the temerity to headline a relentless loudmouth and notorious bullshit artist as an “author”, cowardly reacting to his complaint letter and giving him the unqualified gratification for which he was milking the rag.

Now that he’s got the letter in, The World Window Through Ukraine will undoubtedly bestow him with a greatly coveted interview, which will suddenly launch his name and works into the heretofore unattainable realm of public celebrity, and he hasn’t even written anything worthy of note!

It still remains a question whether The World Window Through Ukraine was motivated to deliver news to a credulous public or a balsam to an inflated and chafing ego, though evidence strongly suggests the case to be the latter.

In the letter published by The World Window Through Ukraine, the screeching Cyclops-like freak actually calls himself an artist and writer!

Ever since I was a child, I’ve always known I was a writer. But it wasn’t until I came to Ukraine 50 years later that I’ve been able to realize my potential. It’s only been here that I’ve been able to harness my visionary capacities. I’m a writer and artist, there’s no doubt about it. No one can deny it and no one can contradict me. I’m incensed I don’t get the credit I’m due!

This imposter, this mountebank, is imposing his overblown will on our small and hapless community, and he hasn’t even written anything that would substantiate his claims, other than his own self-promotions, said one World Window Through Ukraine reader. Together with other suchlike ilk, he’s holding the paper hostage, while we’re forced to read whatever tripe they choose to slap into the cheap glossy tabloid – which isn’t even worth the paper it’s printed on! – to serve their own personal agendas.

Continued the delusional charlatan: I’m enraged The World Window Through Ukraine, the country’s only English-language mouthpiece, isn’t providing coverage of my work. I’m on the Internet, YouTube, Amazon, I keep a journal of my world-savvy observations – I’m an artist and a writer, and I demand exposure!

You want exposure, you slimy fatball hack, says this reader, you’ll get it.

Filed by Jack Step, January 28, 2013

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