We of the Kyiv Unedited Secret Editorial Board just don’t get it. First the first piece of a purported Volume 3 of The Commix – What’s it doing there, how did it get there, who commissioned it, who gave authorization?: Not us – and now this one. That is, this other one. That is, this second piece, is what we’re trying to say. That is, a second Kyiv Commix piece in a purported Volume 3 – of Kyiv Commix, that is. It’s now suddenly there. Too. Just like the first one. It goes against the established order. They go. Both of them. The pieces, that is, as there’s two of them. All tolled (and not ‘all told’, which is wrong, at least so far). So far as we know. And the question is, how did they get there? The two pieces, that is. What we’re trying to say is first there was a first piece in a purported Volume 3 of Kyiv Commix, and now there’s a second piece, which we have always called frames. But that’s not the point, whether we called them frames or not, but that first there was a first piece and now there’s a second piece – in a purported Volume 3. Of The Kyiv Commix. And now they’re both there – the two pieces thus far named. What we’re trying to say is that the point is, there’s a first and second piece in a purported Volume 3 of The Kyiv Commix. That is, there are two pieces, of the type we’d called frames, in a purported Volume 3 of Kyiv Commix, all tolled so far. And I think we make ourselves pretty clear on that point, as well as otherwise, being adamant and severe. Dickerson? They’re not like anything he’s ever written. We mean the pieces. Both of them – so far. They sound like Dickerson, but that doesn’t prove anything. It could just be a better writer doing a half-cocked imitation of Dickerson and accidently coming up with something original. Like if you gave an infinity of monkeys typewriters and eventually one of them would… aaahh… But with what malice, what insidious intent… why…? And what does it mean anyway when we say ‘it could just be a better writer?’ Better or not, it’s someone else – unveil yourself – fiend! Because it can’t be Dickerson, because Dickerson is dead. And all of these… these… characters are dead. They’re dead!!! Losser, Dickerson, Step – all dead. But Wu was alive! And now he’s dead?! Is he dead? Wu? Is that what we should get from this? That the Kyiv-based Oriental doctor is dead?! By whose hand? Dickerson’s? But Dickerson’s dead, so how’s that possible? And moreover – why? And did Dickerson just die again? He was dead before and here it’s as if he’s alive again, wreaking havoc and sending The Commix careening senseless in the bedlam of his mad wake. And now maybe he’s dead again?! Is he dead? What world do they rise out of? What’s going on here? How is any of this possible? Clearly, someone’s doing this, but we
Secret Editorial Board rant contemptuously cut off for lack of interest
Filed December 31, 2014